Category: Windows

How to get the Active Directory Replication Status tool

How to get the Active Directory Replication Status tool The bad news:  The AD Replication Status tool is no longer available. The Good news.  We can use repadmin tools to view all incomming AD connection status. Run the following Command: repadmin /showrepl * /csv >> %temp%\showrepl.csv This will save the data to your %temp% folder […]

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Repair Windows Update Service

Products Windows 2012 R2 Std, Windows 2016 Std, Windows 2016 Datacenter, Windows 2019 Std, Windows 2019 Datacenter Description Windows updates are hanging on Downloading updates 0% for over 1 hour. Solution 1 Perform a Clean Reboot 2 Start CMD as an Administrator 3 Run the following commands from CMD as an Administrator Stop the Windows […]

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How to download files from Windows Server Core

Purpose: The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how to download files using powershell on Windows Server Core 2019, Windows Server Core 2016, or Windows Server Core 2012 The Windows Server Core is a very lightweight OS build available for free in AWS using a Tier2 Micro.  The Windows Server Core OS has a […]

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How to audit the windows Event Log for deleted files using event filter in xPath form

Purpose: The purpose of this article is to show how to audit the Event logs for File Delete operations. We will use XPath to filter for the Delete event inside the Event Data level of the XML detail. Solution: Step1: Enable file auditing from Group Policy Object.  We will refer to it as GPO from […]

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Windows Bat File Potpourri

Purpose: The purpose of this article is to display a set of commonly used Windows Bat Scripts Check if a folder exists and create if it doesn’t if not exist “C:\Temp\InstallationLogs\” mkdir C:\Temp\InstallationLogs Iterate through a .csv file for /f “delims=,” %%a in (Computers.csv) do ( Run a .exe from a share on each computer […]

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Status Pages

Azure Office365 Mimecast AppRiver Century Link

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Windows Powershell Potpourri

Purpose: The purpose of this article is to display a set of commonly used Windows Powershell Scripts To recursively remove a folder that may contain too many folders for Windows to handle remove-item -path “C:\Program Files\ScienceLogic” -recurse -verbose Get System Boot Time systeminfo | find /i “Boot Time” Get all files in a folder and […]

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How to enable RSS on Windows Server 2012R2

Products Windows 2012R2 Description RSS abbreviated for Receive Side Scaling, should be enabled on a VM Server as it betters performance. Per Microsoft’s website, Virtual Receive-side scaling (RSS) is a feature in Windows Server 2012 R2 that allows the load from a virtual network adapter to be distributed across multiple virtual processors in a virtual […]

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Disabling SMB1 on Windows

Products Windows 10, Windows 2008 R2, Windows 2012 R2, Windows 2016 Description SMB or Server Message Block is a network file sharing protocol meant for sharing files, printers, etc, between computers. There are three versions – Server Message Block (SMB) version 1 (SMBv1), SMB version 2 (SMBv2), and SMB version 3 (SMBv3). Microsoft recommends that you disable SMB1 […]

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